Sentinel by Jennifer Armentrout


5 out of 5

Sentinel came out almost 5 months ago and I’ve managed to avoid reading it until now. It finally got to a point where I had to know what happened. Just to give you an idea of how much I love this series, Half-blood was the very first JLA book I had ever read and now I can’t put her books down. JLA is one of a few authors that get an automatic download when their books come out.

So I just finished this last night and I’m still at a loss of words. I can’t believe it, Sentinel had me smiling and laughing at Alex’s snark and Seth’s arrogance. My heart grew to three times it’s original size,


when it came to Alex and Aidan. I wanted to cry like a baby during the last 50 pages. Not only because I knew the end was coming, but because of what was happening. I am more than happy with the ending. I felt it was a fitting end to an awesome series.
Everything about Sentinel screamed THE END.


By now, everyone knows that Seth is getting his own series. The best part about this is that the new female protagonist will push Seth more so than Alex ever did!

I already miss Alex and Aidan!!


It’s ok, I’ll be ok. In time my heart will heal.

The Covenant Series is one that I will re-read over and over again. I will and already have recommended it to anyone I think might enjoy it. And if you compare this series to that piece of shit VA then we will have more problems than I know what to do with.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to mentally prepare myself for the end of the Lux series. *sniff sniff*



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